Elephants Are Magical

This is a haunting image and one that reminds us of the fallibility of nature. Nelson Mandela was speaking of Africa, but I think he might just as easily have been speaking about the Earth, for man seems increasingly distanced from his natural environment and bent on its destruction. No living thing would agree more with this sentiment than the African elephant, which is being decimated by man for its ivory.
Elephants are noble creatures with an intellect and social structure that matches our own, yet we seem determined to destroy them. Wild life conservationists estimate that a 100,000 elephants are killed each year in Africa. That is one every 15 minutes, a shocking statistic that could mean the species is extinct within twenty years.
We must do all that we can to stop the poaching and safeguard this noble creature whilst finding ways for humans and elephants to co-exist in harmony.

Elephants for Africa
Profits from Echo and the Magical Whispers and Lost Echo go to Elephants for Africa, the elephant charity that is sponsoring the books. The following summary, written by the charity's founder and director, Dr Kate Evans is replicated here.
Elephants for Africa is a registered charity in England & Wales (1179318) and registered NGO in Botswana (CR12058), committed to protecting the endangered African elephant through research and education. Working towards coexistence, we conduct research to conserve the African elephant through understanding the ecological and social requirements of male African elephants at the same time understanding the needs and concerns of rural communities living alongside protected areas. Partnering with communities we work with them to increase sustainability of livelihoods, decrease fear and increase understanding of their wildlife. To learn more please visit our website www.elephantsforafrica.org.
Dr. Kate Evans
Founder & Director
Can you hear the Whispers?
This video of a herd of elephants crossing an African river is one of my favourites. I used it for my book trailer for Echo and the Magical Whispers. Click on the link and see what you think. The experience is best if you turn up the volume and listen carefully.